All Is Well That Ends Well


Name : Anonymous
Gender : female
Age : 55
Location : Bangalore
Service Availed : Face Reading
Time Period : 1989 – 1995

All Is Well That Ends Well

I got married in the year 1989. In the beginning all was well between my husband and I. However, I used to have lots of fights with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Gradually, my husband also started taking my mother-in-law’s side and used to fight with me a lot. Worse still, I got to know that my husband was having an affair with someone. I was not happy.

One day in 1994, my friend made me meet her brother who is an astrologer and does face reading. He told me to do some puja on a weekly basis. He also predicted that I would conceive soon and give birth to a baby girl. Thereafter things would turn for the better. This is exactly what happened. In 1995, I was blessed with a girl after which things improved drastically with my in-laws and husband. Till today, things are going on well.

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